QuickLINK (TM) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Compile and Link Manager for Microsoft (R) BASIC & QuickBASIC Version 1.2 OVERVIEW: ________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to evaluate QuickLINK. We're sure you'll find it a useful and welcome addition to your BASIC programming toolbox. When making an EXE file from within the QuickBASIC environment, you are very restricted in the compile and link options which you can specify. BASIC 7.x gives you a bit more control over QuickBASIC, but you're still very limited to what options you can use. You can compile and link from the command line (DOS prompt), but this is a long and complicated task, with too much room for error. QuickLINK is a Compile and Link Manager which takes you beyond all these restrictions, and gives you the power of using every available option while still maintaining the familiarity and simplicity of a QuickBASIC- like environment. INCLUDED FILES: _______________________________________________________________________ Before you start the program, please check to make sure the following files have been included on your disk: QLINK.EXE - The main QuickLINK program file QLINK.HLP - The On-line Help file README.TXT - This file REGISTER.TXT - Registration information REGISTER.FRM - Registration Form AGREEMNT.TXT - Warranty disclaimer SHAREWRE.TXT - Definition of Shareware After starting QuickLINK, the following configuration files will be created in the same directory as QuickLINK: QLINK.INI - Options & settings file *.LNK - Individual project files INSTALLATION: ________________________________________________________________________ Copy both QLINK.EXE and QLINK.HLP into the directory where your BASIC or QuickBASIC environment and utility (BC.EXE, QB.EXE, LINK.EXE, etc.) files are located. ************* For QuickLINK to operate properly, the files QLINK.EXE * IMPORTANT * and QLINK.HLP *must* be located in the same directory ************* (and/or subdirectory) as BC.EXE and LINK.EXE. It is not neccesary for the additional files (README.TXT, REGISTER.TXT, etc) to be installed. STARTING: ________________________________________________________________________ To start QuickLINK, switch to the directory (and/or subdirectory) where QLINK.EXE is located and type "QLINK". If you have a monochrome or black and white monitor, you can use the command "QLINK /B" to force QuickLINK to display in black and white. After you start QuickLINK for the first time, you will be asked for the version of BASIC that you are using. Your choices will be: Microsoft BASIC PDS 7.1 Microsoft BASIC PDS 7.0 Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5 It is very important that you select the right version, or QuickLINK will not operate properly. Next you will be asked which default paths the specified files are in. These files are broken down into three categories: Program files (.BAS, .MAK) Stub files (.OBJ) Library files (.LIB) The stub files category is only interested in the .OBJ files provided by Microsoft (such as NOCOM.OBJ, NOEM.OBJ, SMALLERR.OBJ, etc.). Any .OBJ files created during compiling will be located in the same path as BC.EXE and LINK.EXE, so you do not need to tell QuickLINK where to find them. NOTE: The above steps will only be performed the first time you start QuickLINK, or if you move or delete the QLINK.INI file. If you want to edit any of these settings, use the individual commands under the "Options" menu. CREATING A NEW LNK FILE: ________________________________________________________________________ Before QuickLINK can start compiling and linking, you must first tell it what BASIC file(s) to use. The "File/New LNK File" menu command gives you a listing of all the .BAS files found in the path you set in the "Options/Set Paths" dialog box. Once you select a file, QuickLINK searches to see if you have a .MAK file with the same name. If one exists, all the files listed in the .MAK file will be included. If a .MAK file does not exist, then only the single .BAS file you selected will be included. A LNK file is then created (using the base name of the .BAS file you selected, with a .LNK extension added) with the default compile and link options. You can then proceed to edit any or all of the options using the Edit menu. If you wish to save the LNK file under a different name, use the "File/ Save As" menu command. You will then be prompted for a new filename. NOTE: Please leave the .LNK extension when renaming, or QuickLINK will not be able to locate the file properly. Also, do not specify a different path and/or directory when saving. All LNK files must be in the same directory as QLINK.EXE. OPENING A LNK FILE: ________________________________________________________________________ QuickLINK stores all your Compile and Link options in files called LNK files. The "File/Open LNK File" menu command gives you a listing of all the LNK files that you have created so far. Each time you Open a LNK file, QuickLINK displays all the options you specified for that program the last time it was saved. You can edit these options at any time, thus allowing you to experiment with different options until you get it the way you want it. QuickLINK will automatically ask if you want to save the file whenever you create a new LNK file, open another LNK file, or exit QuickLINK. To save these options at any other time, use the "File/Save" menu command. If you wish to save the LNK file under a different name, use the "File/ Save As" menu command. You will then be prompted for a new filename. NOTE: Please leave the .LNK extension when renaming, or QuickLINK will not be able to locate the file properly. Also, do not specify a different path and/or directory when saving. All LNK files must be in the same directory as QLINK.EXE. VIEWING FILES: ________________________________________________________________________ One of the features added to version 1.1 is the ability to view your BASIC files from within the QuickLINK environment. In order to do this, your files must be saved in "Text" format. Files saved in "Fast Load and Save" format will appear unreadable. To save in "Text" format, use the "File/Save As" menu command and select the "Text" option. Once saved, this will become the default method for all future files. NOTE: In the past several years, Microsoft and other sources have recommended against using "Fast Load and Save" format for various reasons. QBX now uses "Text" format as the default. When a LNK file is open, the new menu item "View" lists all of the modules that are listed in that file's .MAK file. You can then view any of these modules by selecting the appropriate filename from the menu choices. A right scroll bar is provided to allow full mouse support, as well as the use of all the standard cursor keys (Up, Down, Right, Left, PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, etc.). When you have finished viewing the file, either hit the key or the key, or click on the button on the bottom line. RUN / MAKE EXE ________________________________________________________________________ Compile Modified Source File Only This gives you the option of only compiling those source (.BAS) files that have been modified since the last time that file was compiled. For example, if this option is chosen, then before compiling xxxx.BAS, QuickLINK will search for an object file named xxxx.OBJ. If it is found, QuickLINK will then compare the Date & Time stamp on xxxx.BAS to see if the source code has been modified since xxxx.OBJ was created. If it has been modified, then an updated version of xxxx.OBJ will be created. RUN / COMPILE ONLY ________________________________________________________________________ The "Run/Compile Only" menu command allows you to select certain BASIC files to compile by tagging them from a list of available files. This way, you can compile some BAS files using different options before linking, allowing even greater control over your programs. After all of the necessary files are compiled, use the "Run/Link Only" menu command to link your files into an Executable. CUSTOMIZE MENU ________________________________________________________________________ The "Utility" menu now allows you to run other applications, batch files and/or DOS commands from within QuickLINK, just like in QBX. Select the "Utility/Customize Menu" menu command, and a dialog box will be displayed. To add an application to the list, click on the "Add" button, and another dialog box will be displayed, prompting you for the name as you want it to appear on the menu, the application's path name (just as you would type it from the command line), and any arguments (optional parameters) you would like. To edit any item, just click on the "Edit" button. To delete any item from the menu, click on the "Delete" button. Even though we now have a File Viewer feature, you may occasionally have the need to edit your source files "on the fly" while inside the QuickLINK environment. This Customize Menu feature will allow you to call a text editor (as long as it's small enough to fit in the available memory, which an a computer with 640K of base memory can be as high as 400K or so, depending on the version of DOS you use and any TSRs, mouse drivers, etc. you have loaded at the time). MISCELLANEOUS: ________________________________________________________________________ For more information, please use the online help. For more information on Compiling, Linking, using Stub files, using Overlays, or for any other information in general, please consult the Microsoft reference guides that came with your copy of BASIC. Registered users will receive comprehensive documentation (on both disk and hard-copy), as well as free technical support, free maintenance updates & bug-fixes, etc. Please read REGISTER.TXT for more complete information on the cost and benefits of registering. If you have any questions or comments about QuickLINK, please contact: Bill Reilly BaySys P.O. Box 3536 Annapolis, MD 21403 Phone: 410/268-4619 CompuServe: 76050,3561